Wednesday Morning Quiz – CISSP


A.   Bell LaPadula                              B.   Brewer/Nash                    C.   Clark-Wilson

D.   Biba                                              E.   Graham-Denning              F.   Orange Book

G.   Common Criteria                         H.   ITSEC                              I.   Kerberos

J.    Sesame                                          K.  Radius                               L.   Tacacs

M.  Diameter


_______          Security model that uses Constrained Data Items (CDIs) for protection


_______          Security model that first implemented controls for conflict of interest


_______          Simple integrity rule states “No read Down


_______          Simple security rule states “No read up”


_______          Security model that defined separation of duties as a necessary control


_______          Provided guidelines for delegating or transferring access rights


_______          Also called the Chinese Wall model


_______          Defined by the ISO in conjunction with multiple countries to provide

global method of evaluation for systems


_______          Evaluation criteria that focused solely on confidentiality


_______          Uses protection profiles to evaluate systems


_______          A European standard that evaluated functionality and assurance of systems


_______          Uses Ratings of A, B, C, or D to certify a system


_______          Authentication system based on Ticket Granting Tickets


_______          Authentication system based on PACs


_______          Remote Authentication Technology based on UDP that encrypted ONLY

                        the user’s password by default – didn’t protect anything else


_______          Access Control Technology that worked with UDP, TCP, and had several

                        flavors” that allowed greater functionality and total protection over it’s



_______          Based on Radius, but worked with VOIP, FOIP, Mobile, IP addys, with

                        far greater functionality


1.         Explain the difference between a memory card and a smart card



2.                  Give me an example of an administrative, a physical and a technical control.



3.                  What is TEMPEST and where it is used?



4.                  What is DNS poisoning?



5.                  What is a CPU register?



6.                  What is the difference between an address bus and a data bus?



7.                  What is the difference between cooperative and preemptive multitasking?



8.                  Name one thing that resides in CPU Ring 3



9.                  What is a maintenance hook?



10.              What is the TCB?